An editorial novelty in the Archives
Position number 3 in the series: Sources for history of Catholic Church in Upper Silesia has been issued, it contains full information on metrics books of baptisms, marriages, funerals and banns, first communion and confirmation, all being parts of Archdiocese Archival resources.
A Catalogue of the Metrics Book Collection in Archdiocese Archives in Katowice. Introduction: Halina Duda??a; composition: Halina Duda??a and Wojciech Schäffer; Tables and local names’ dictionary: Wojciech Schäffer. Katowice, 2013, pp.350, Emmanuel Prints. The book can be purchased from the Emmanuel’s online store at PLN 34,90.
An excerpt from a review:
‘[…] Issuing a catalogue or a guide to all metrics books is a legitimate enterprise, long-awaited by (archive’s) users and facilitating their search for sources. The authors composed and added synthetic information to bring this search on: maps, indexes, introduction. […] Such publications are very rare and there are no signs for this situation to change in the nearest future. That is why its authors are to be admired for having embarked upon such a challenge.’ – Prof. Halina Robótka