Digitalized metrics books record
We have created two computer sites within our collection sharing room which enable the users to browse through our Archive's digitalized metrics books. You can access them on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Only one person can use one of these computers at a time (it is forbidden to use our data if accompanied by another person, i.e. somebody who speaks German or a skilled old writing reader).
The computers do not enable you to copy data to portable hard drives (like pendrives) or to save scanned documents. It is also forbidden to take photographs of the computer screen with your camera. The Archives do not make copies of digitalized materials.
A person willing to use our digitalized books has to:
- Fill in the user application form which can be found at:
A filled and signed form should be delivered In person or sent via traditional postal service to the Archives where it will be given under consideration of The Archdiocese Archives Director,
- Arranging a visit at the Archives with Mr. Damian Gruchlik who is in order to create a waiting list for both computer sites. You can do it either via e-mail:, or by phone calling at 501-865-245 from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to midday,
- Writing reverses for 5 units (CDs/DVDs) which you are going to use,
- Accepting and following rules of collection sharing room's statue. (
All the information on accessible metrics books can be found under "DATA BASES/ Digitalized metrics books record"