The Archives rescue unit
It is every archive’s job to gather information about the past. In our collection there are files, certificate books, documents, and photos produced by clerical institutions or directed to priests, perishes or bishops.
In addition to the main task we have been created for, it is our great desire to gather photos, documents, and family reminders which give us insight into the past of the Silesian people (wedding, first communion, funeral photos, family portraits, images of Silesian countryside and cities, etc.). Pictures showing churches or at least their parts are of especially great value to us. We are also interested in Corpus Christi processions, altars, clerics, burial ceremonies, roadside shrines, and crosses photographies.
Therefore, if you happen to be in possession of any of the items mentioned above, and you are planning to get rid of it (documents written in German or in gothic font, which is often a reason to destroy them) or you have no place to store it, our Archives will be more than glad to accept it.
Our collection has recently grown because of a series of photos from Lagiewniki Slaskie (Hochenlinde) dating about 1905 (wedding & communion photos), beautifully developed and stuck to boards. They were supposed to be destroyed, yet now they are a part of an exhibition illustrating four important events in a Christian’s life (Baptism, First Communion, Wedding, and Funeral).
Family Dziwis in Lagiewniki Slaskie (25.06.1905)
First Communion in family Dziwis - First Communion Marie Kempne - Wedding (probably in Hohenlinde)
Visitors to our Archives are willing to share their memories and reminders picturing their or their ancestors’ life. Nobody has ever denied us an opportunity to scan their photos. Scanning or photocopying lets us enrich our collections without any harm to family albums.
Pass from date Silesian Insurgences
Reminder First Communion Paul Kontny. Tychy 1862
Silesians Family: Ciwis from Tychy (1930) and Czardybon from Paprocany (somewhere 1905)
Hilaria Wrzyszcz virgin name Musiol with grandmother Joanna Müller virgin name Meinusch (Mainusch). First Communion, Swientochlowice 1912
Car of Polish Post in Katowice (before 1939) & Funeral in Katowice at Gliwicka Street (1934)
A unique collection of scans in our possession are photos from World War I, showing Silesian soil’s sons taking their last photos with their wives, just before going to the front, pictures taken in military barracks or field hospitals, picturing war operations and everyday life behind the frontlines.
School of Medical Orderly Army Hospital (may-june 1917)
Pawel Poremski (may 1915) - In the Trench in France (1918)
Sometimes pictures seemingly uninteresting appear to be priceless, for they may be the only reminders of what different places used to look like. Before you decide on getting rid of anything which could fall into this category, please contact us.
We encourage you to share your collections while visiting our Archives.